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•Used for treatment & control of nematodes infection in cattle & sheep as:
Lung worms: Dictyocaulus spp. Gastrointestinal
worms: Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp.,
Ostertagin spp.(Exceed inhibited Ostertagia
larvae in cattle), Haemonchus spp.,Nematodirus
spp., Bunostomum spp.,Oesaphagostomum spp.
& Chabertia spp.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: S/C injection
Cattle: 5 ml of the product / 50 kg b. Wt.
Sheep: 2.5 ml of the product / 25 kg b. Wt.
The dose may be repeated at required
Warnings & precautions:
Animals should not be teated simultaneously or
within 14 days from last treatment with products
containing organ phosphorus compounds.
Contra - indications:
Not to be used for animals producing milk for
human consumption.
Side Effects:
At the normal dose levels animals rarely show any Side effects.
the effect of over doses are transient & include
head shaking, salivation & slight muscle tremors
these are likely observed in cattle than in sheep.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle :14days
Sheep : 28 days
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30ºC to be used
immediately after opening.
Each 100 ml contains:
Levamisole HCL ……………. 7.5 gm
(Eq. to levamisole base 6.75 gm).
Waki-Levamisole is aboard spectrum
anthelminitic, act as a cholinergic
agonist& lead to neuromuscular
paralysis of the parasite, also it
interferes with CHO metabolism at the
site of fumarate reduction & succinate
Target species :
Cattle , sheep & goat.
It is used for treatment of diseases caused
by organisms sensitive to gentamycin as:
Genitourinary infection - Infection in the
respiratory tract - Skin & soft tissue infection -
Bacteriemia - Septicemia - Mastitis - Metritis.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: I/M or slow I/V0.5 ml /10kg b. Wt. By I/M or slow I/V
, twice daily up to 5-3 days.
Warnings & precautions:
• Not used for animals suffering from renal insufficiency.
• Not used in food producing animals.
Contra - indications:
•Do not administer in animals sensitive to antibiotic.
•Not administer with other aminoglycosides or cephalosporins.
Side Effects:
•Non in the recommended dose but large dose
for prolonged time may produce:
•Local irritation at the site of injection.
•Neuromuscular blocking.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C to be
used immediately after opening.
Each 100 ml contains:
Gentamycin sulfate .................. 12.6 gm
(Eq. to gentamycin base 12.6 gm)
Waki-Gentamycin 10% is a bactericidal
aminoglycoside antibiotic , its main activity
is against G-ve bacteria such as:
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, E. Coil, Salmonella spp., Shigella
spp., Pasteurella. It also acts against G+ve
bacteria such as b hemolytic strept., Steph.
& Corynebacterium. Its antimicrobal activ
ity results from binding to (30) S ribosomal
subunit, thus inhibiting bacteria protein syn thesis.
Target species :
Horse , Cattle, Sheep,Goat
For the effective treatment of external &
internal parasites in cattle, sheep & goat.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: S/C in the wide part of the neck.
Cattle: 1 ml of the product / 50 kg b. wt. given once by S/C injection.
sheep & goat: 0.5 ml of the product / 25 kg b.wt.
given once by S/C injection
Warnings & precautions:
It should not be used in dairy cattle providing milk for human consumption
Contra - indications:
• Should not be used by I/M or I/V.
•Should not be used in combination with
oxidase inhibitors as to prevent additive
effect adverse neurological effect.
•Should not be used in newly born domestic animals.
Side Effects:
No side effect in the recommended doses,
but large dose for long period may cause
diarrhea, hypersensitive reactions.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle, Sheep & goat: 35days.
Stored at temp. not exceed 30ºC to be used
immediately after opening.
Each 100 ml contains:
Ivermectin .......................................... 1 g.
vermectin act by binding selectively & with
high affinity to glutamate gated chloridein
the channels with occur the inter-vertebrae
nerve& muscle cell. This leads to an increase
in the permeability of the cell membrane to
chloride ion with hyperpolarization in the nerve
or muscle cell, resulting in paralysis & death of
the parasite. Mammals do not have glutamate
gated chloride ion channels & hence the product
is considered safe, the macrocyclic lactone also
have a low affinity for other mammalian legend
gated chloride channels & do not cross the blood
brain barrier
Target species :
Cattle, Sheep,Goat
•Pneumonia , calf diphtheria ,foot rot , naval / joint ill
•Pasteurella , mastitis , metritis.
•Actinobacillosis , acute anaplasmosis.
Dosage & administrations:
2 ml / 10 kg b. wt.& daily for 5 - 3 days
Contra - indications:
•Not used in animals suffered from a renal or hepatic dysfunction.
•Not to be given with pencillin or strepomycin.
•Not be used with Ca++ preparation.
•Not to be used in newly born domestic animals.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle: meat: 28days. Milk: 7 days.Sheep:21 days.
Storage temp.not exceed 30˚ C .
Each 100 ml contains:
Oxytetracycline HCL ........ 5.66 g.
(Eq. to oxytetracycline base 5g.)
Waki-Oxytetracycline 5% is the trade
name of oxytetracycline. A broad spectrum
antibiotic with bacteriostatic action against
wide range of G+ ve bacteria such as strpt
spp., & Coryne bacterum and G- ve Bacteria
such as E. coli, salmonella spp., Pasteurella spp.,
& Haemophilus spp., as well as Mycrplasma
spp., RRickettsia , Clamydia & some protozoa.
It produces its antibaterial effect by binding
reversibly to bacterial (30S) ribsome in
inhibition of protein synthesis.) ribsome in
inhibition of protein synthesis.
Target species :
Cattle , sheep & goat.
•Pneumonia , calf diphtheria ,foot rot , naval / joint ill
•Pasteurella , mastitis , metritis.
•Actinobacillosis , acute anaplasmosis.
Dosage & administrations:
2 ml / 20 kg b. wt.& repeat after 72 hrs.
Contra - indications:
•Not used in animals suffered from a renal or hepatic dysfunction.
•Not to be given with pencillin or strepomycin.
•Not be used with Ca++ preparation.
•Not to be used in newly born domestic animals.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle: meat: 28days. Milk: 7 days.Sheep:21 days
Storage temp.not exceed 30˚ C .
Each 100 ml contains:
Oxytetracycline dihydrate ............... 21.6 g.
(Eq. to oxytetracycline base 20 g.)
Waki-Oxytetracycline 20% L.A is the trade
name of oxytetracycline. A broad spectrum
antibiotic with bacteriostatic action against
wide range of G+ ve bacteria such as strpt
spp., & Coryne bacterum and G- ve Bacteria
such as E. coli, salmonella spp., Pasteurella spp.,
& Haemophilus spp., as well as Mycrplasma
spp., RRickettsia , Clamydia & some protozoa.
It produces its antibaterial effect by binding
reversibly to bacterial (30S) ribsome in
inhibition of protein synthesis.
Target species :
Cattle , sheep & goat.
It is used for treatment of:
Broiler chickens : pasteurellosis by pasteurella
susceptible to amoxicillin and colibacillosis caused by E.coli.
Turkeys : pasteurellosis by pasteurella susceptible toamoxicillin .
Ducks : infections caused by streptococcus bovis,
pasteurella anatipestifer and E.coli.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration :orally via drinking water
Broiler chickens : 150 gm of the product/450 L drink-ing water for 5-3 days
Turkeys and Ducks : 150 gm of the product in the
requisite quantity of water immediately before use for 5-3 days.
Warnings & precautions:
The medicated water should be the only source of water.
The medicated water should be prepared daily
Contra - indications:
Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to Amoxicillin
Not to be used in layers producing eggs for human consumption
No side effect in the recommen.
Withdrawal time:
Meat : Broiler chickens : 1day
Turkeys: 5 days Ducks : 9 days
Stored in dry place at temperature not
exceed 30˚C to be used immediately
after opening & reconstitution.
Other Strength: %20
Each 100 gm contains :
Amoxicillin trihydrate ….....…. 50mg
Equivalent to amoxicillin base 43.60 gm
Amoxicillin is bacterial semi synthetic
penicillin with a broad spectrum activity.
It produces it’s antimicrobial action by
inhibition of the development of peptido
glycan network structure in the bacterial
cell wall . Amoxicillin has a broad
spectrum gainst gram positive bacteria
and gram negative bacteria Including
E.coli and pasteurella spp.
Target species :
Broiler Chickens ,Turkeys , Ducks.
It is used for treatment of:
Broiler chickens: CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease) caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: orally via drinking water.
40 mg of the product / kg b. wt. per day for 5-3 days
(Eq. to 400 mg of the product / liter drinking water).
Warnings & precautions:
Never add acid to the medicated drinking water.
Contra - indications:
•Not be used with penicillins & aminoglycosidesbecause it interferes with them.
• Not be used in layers producing eggs for human consumption.
• Not be used in animals producing milk for human consumption.
•Non in the recommended dose but large dose
for prolonged time may produce:
•Local irritation at the site of injection.
•Neuromuscular blocking.
Withdrawal time:
Meat: broiler chickens: 10 days
Stored in dry place at temperature not after opening & reconstitution.
exceed 30°C to be used immediately after opening & reconstitution.
Other Strength: %20
Each 1 g contains :
Doxycycline hyclate ......... 577.07 mg.
(Eq. to Doxycycline base 500 mg)
Doxycycline is a broad spectrum antibacterial from tetracycline group. It pro
duces its antibacterial effect by bindingreversibly to 30S ribosomal subunit of
the organism resulting in inhibition ofmicrobial protein synthesis.
Doxycycline is active against Gram + ve bacteria & Gram - ve bacteria includ
ing E. coli & Pasteurella spp. as well as Mycoplasma spp.
Target species :
Broiler chickens.
Necrotic Enteritis (Clostridium perferengens).
Diarrhea & Enteritis due to E - coli and Salmonella.
Dosage & administrations:
Chickens & Turkeys : 1gm of the product / 1 liter drinking water daily for 5 - 3
days. (20 mg Ampicillin base / kg b. wt.)
Warnings & precautions:
Not used in chickens producing eggs for human consumption.
Non in the recommended dose.Prolonged use in high doses may produce
Withdrawal time:
Chickens & Turkeys meat: 7 days.
In dry place away from direct light at
temperature not exceed 30 C.
Each 100 gm contains :
Ampicillin Trihydrate ................. 22.30 gm
(Eq. to Ampicillin base 20 g ).
Ampicillin is bactericidal broad spectrum
semi-synthetic Penicillin , It is active against
G +ve and G -ve bacteria It produces its
bactericidal effect by inhibiting the cell wall
synthesis in the later stage by inhibiting the
attachment of the glycine chains to the short
peptides. Ampicillin is bactericidal antibiotic,.
It is active against G+ve and G - Ve organisms
including species of corynebacterium, clostri
duim, E. coli, klebsiella, higella, jalmorella, for
teus, brucella nad pastcurella spp.
It is used for treatment of:
Broiler chickens
-arthritis caused by staphylococcus aureus, Chronic
Disease (CRD) caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum
- Infections enteritis caused by E-coli.
-fowelchoera caused by pasteurellamultocida.
-fowl coryza caused by Haemophilusparagallinarum,
gangrenous dermatitis caused by clostridium spp.,
Typhoid & Paratyphoid caused by salmonella spp.
Pre-ruminating calves:
-Bovine pneumoniacaused by mycoplasma bovis,
pasreurellahaemolytica ,multocida
& haemophilussomus.
-Scours ,neonatal diarrhea caused by
E.Coli & Salmonellla Spp.
Dosage & administrations:
Broiler chickens 24 mg of the product /kg b. wt.Per
day until 24 hours after symptoms are removed
(eq.to 240 mg of the product/liter drinking water)
Pre -ruminating calves: 21.5 mg of the product/kg
b.wt daily in 2 doses for 5-3 days.
It may produce gastroiontestinal disorders and
freqoently allergic reations and photosensitivity
Withdrawal time:
Broiler chickens meat : 7 days
Pre-ruminating calfs meat: 10 days
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceed 30 C to be
used immediately after opening & reconstitution.
Other Strength: %20 & %40
Each 100gm contains:
Oxytetracycline HCL 100 gm.
(eq. to oxytetracycline base 92.65 g)
oxytetracycline is a broad spectrum Antibacterial
from tetracycline group. it produces its antibacterial
effect by bunding reversibly to 30 s ribosomal sumunit
of the organism resulting in inhabition of microbial protein
oxytetracycline is active agianst mycoplasma spp.
chlamydophilla, Rickettsia in addition to bacteria including
Gram + ve bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus &
clostridium spp. and Gram -ve bacteria such as E. coli,
salmonella spp., Haemoph ilus paragallinarum & pasteurella
Target species :
inBroiler chickens & pre-ruminating calves.
Neomycin is indicated for gastrointestinal infections caused by gram-ve bac
teria, such as E.coli, Salmonella Klebsilella and proteus which causes entrotoxemia
in lambs and poultry.
Dosage & administrations:
Chickens & Turkeys:11 mg neomycin base / kg B. W. (0.5gm /
liter of drinking water daily for 5-3 days).
Withdrawal time in chicken & turkeys 5 days.
Not to be used in chicken & turkey hypersensitive to it or producing eggs for human
Waki-Neomycin %20 Enhanced by caffeine, theophylline and urea.
Non in recommended dose but in large prolonged dose may produce skin hyper
sensitivity & slight laxative effect after oraladministration.
In cool and dry place not exceed 30°C away from direct sunlight.
Each 100 gm contains :
Neomycin Sulphate …………. 30.76 g.
(Eq. to Neomycin base 20 gm ).
It is used for treatment of enteric infection :
• Colibacillosis caused by E-coli susceptible to colistin.
• Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella spp . susceptible to colistin.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: orally via drinking water
Calves :210 mg of the product / 10 Kg b. wt .every 12 hours for 3 days .
{Eq to 210 g of the product / 1000 liters of drinking water }.
Broiler chickens & laying hens: 25 mg of the product / 1 Kg b. wt for 3 days.
{Eq to 250 mg of the product / liter of drinking water }.
Contra - indications:
Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to colistin .
Not to be used in animal with renal falure .
Not to be used with cations (calcium , magnesium &
manganese) and unsaturated fatty acids as colistin
antagonized with them .
Warnings & precautions:
the medicated water should be prepared daily .
No side effect in the recommended dose.
but in case of overdose digestive problems
mayoccur such as transient softening of
faces or bloat.
Withdrawal time:
Calves meat : 2 days Brolier chicken meat: 2 days
Laying hen eggs : 0 day
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceed 30°C to be used
immediately after opening and reconstitution.
Each 100 gm contains :
Colistin Sulphate …………. 20.75 gm
(Eq. to Colistin base 16.6 gm = 500.000.000 I.U.)
Colistin is a bactericidal polypeptide
antibiotic belongs to polymyxin group
it produces its antibacterial effect by
interacting strongly with phospholipids
in bacterial cell membrane & radically
disturbed their permeability & function .
Colistin is active against G –ve including
E-Coli & Salmonella spp.
Target species :
Calves , Broiler Chickens & Laying hens.
-Respiratory Infections caused by gram positive organisms.
-Comlicated Respiratory Disease(CRD).-Mycoplamosis
Dosage & administrations:
Chickens & Turkeys:
50mg/kg B.W. ( 0.5gm/1 liter of drinking water daily for 5-3 days).
Warnings & precautions:
chickens & turkeys : 5 days
Withdrawal time:
Chickens & turkeys: 5 days.
Non in the recommended dose.
Each 100 ml contains:
Tylosin Taratrate.......……… 100 mg
Calves: for the prophylaxis or treatment of bacterial enteritis in calves caused by E. coli
and Salmonella organisms susceptible to apramycin.
Broilers: for use in the control and treatment of colisepticaemia (colibacillosis) in broilers
caused by susceptible strains E. coli and salmoneellosis.
Pigs: for the treatment of bacterial enterititscaused by susceptilde strains of e. coli and
other orgainism susceptible to a pramycin.
Dosage & administrations:
84 to 168 gm of the product / 200 liter drinking water ( 250 to 500 mg Apramycin Base / liter ) for
5 consecutive days.
Mixing directions – Poultry: add appropriate quantityof Apracure soluble powder to five times its own
volume of water . Stir well & allow solution to stand for a few minutes then stir again. When completely
dissolved, add to the full volume of drinking water and stir well. Prepare fresh medicated drinking water
every 24 hours to assure activity.
Withholding period:
• Not used for animals suffeDo not use less than 14 days before slaughter for human
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceed 30 C˚ to be used immediately after opening.
Each 84 gm Contains:
Apramycin Sulphate ............... 72.7 gm
(Eq. to Apramycin Base ...............50 gm
Dosage of calves:
Continue treatment for 5 days . Add Apracure sol
uble powder to the drinking water , milk or replacer
according to the table below.
Mixing directions – calves: add appropriate quantity
of Apracure soluble powder to five times its own
volume of water . Stir well & allow solution to stand
for a few minutes then stir again. When completely
dissolved, add to the full volume of drinking water ,
milk or milk replacer.
Solution should be prepared immediately before
use to assure activity.
It is used for treatment of:
-Swine dysentery caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
-Enzootic Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia.
Dosage & administrations:
Poultry: 1gm/kg b. wt./day for 5-3 days.
Pigs: Orally via drinking water 30mg of the
product / Kg b. wt .per day for 5 days .
Warnings & precautions:
- Not to be used with macrolide antibiotics.
- The medicated water not used more than 10 days .
Contra - indications:
- Not to be used in animal hypersensitiveto lincomycin.
- Not to be used in animal with liver dysfunction.
- Do not used in horses , rabbits & ruminating animals
•No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Pigs : 8 days.
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceeding 30°C to be used
immediately after opening and reconstitution.
Each 1 ml contains:
Lincomycin Hydrochloride...……… 500 mg
(Eq. to Lincomycin base 440.88 mg).
Lincomycin is a lincosamide antibiotic similar to clindamycin. it produces its antibacterial
effect by binding reversibly to 50 s ribosomal subunit of organism resulting in inhibition of
microbial protein synthesis .
Lincomycin is active against G +ve bacteria such as staphylococci , streptococci ,
B-haemolytic streptococci , Corynebacteria , Erysipelothrix spp. & G - ve bacteria such as
Kelbsiella spp., Pasteurella spp. and Salmonella spp. as well as Mycoplasma spp.
Target species :
Waki-Sulphaquinoxaline 25% used for chicken & turkey in the treatment of intestinal and caecal
coccidiosis which caused by different types of Eimeria as E. Tenella. E.Necatrix & E.Acervulina
Waki-Sulphaquinoxaline 25% is indicated for the treatment of cholera, typhoid in birds Sulphaqui
noxaline is coccidiostatic agent producing its chemotherapeutic effect by competing with PAPA
which is essential for folic acid metabolism and neuclic acid synthesis.
? Dosage & administrations:
- Chicken and turkey:
1) For Coccidiosis : 2 gm / lit. Of drinking water for 3 days then
2) For cholera. typhoid and paratyphoid : 2 gm / lit. Of drinking rest for 2 days
and repeat with the same dose for 2 days.
water for 5 - 3 days.
• Withdrawal time in chicken & turkey
• 14 days.
• For use in drinking water only.
• Not used for chicken producing egg for
• human consumption.
• Amprolium likely to combine with sulfaquinoxaline for treating coccidiosis.
• Not to be used in birds suuffering from renal failure.
• Vit. B complex, PABA and related compounds are antagonists to sulfonamides.
• Large doses for prolonged administration may produce hypersensitivity and / or crystaluria.
• Store in dry & cool place
• Store away from direct sun light.
• Storage temp. Below 25˚C
This drug is highly toxic not to be used except if necessary..
Each 100 gm contains :
Sulphaquinoxaline sodium......26.6 gm.
(Eq to 25 gm sulphaquinoxaline base)
Streptomycin is bactericidal belongs to aminoglycocide group .
it produces it’s
antimicrobial activity by binding to 30s ribosomal subunit of the organism resulting
in inhibition of microbial protein synthesis .
Streptomycin has activity against G E-Coli & Salmonella spp.
+ve bacteria & G -ve bacteria including
Target species :
Broiler Chickens , Swine and Calves.
It is used for the treatment of
Calves: gastrointestinal tract infection
caused by Escherichia and
salmonella spp. susceptible tostreptomycin.
Broiler chickens:
Non-specific infectious enteritis caused
by organisms susceptible to streptomycin
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administratin : orally via drinking water.
Calves: 100-40 mg of the product/kg.b.wt
every 12 hour for 4-3 days.
Broiler chickens:0.06-0.04g of the product kg
b.wt for 5-3 days(i.e.0.6 - 0.4 g of the product
liter drinking water).
Warnings & precautions:
- Not to be administer more than 5 days
- Animals to be treated must actually be drinking
enough water to provide the recommended level
Contra - indications:
- Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to
- Not to be used in animals with renal failure.
- Do not be used in checkens producing eggs for
human consunption.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Calves meat : 2 days.
Stored in dry place at temp. not ecxeeding 30C to
be used immediately after opening and
Each 1g contains:
Streptomycin sulphate 626.39 mg.
(eq. to strepomycin base 500mg)
Streptomycin is bactericidal belongs to
amainoglycocide group. It produces its
antimicrobial activity by binding to 30S
ribosomal subunit of the organism resulting
in inhabition of microbial protein synthesis.
streptomycin has activity against G-ve bacteria
including E-coli, salmonella spp, & shigella spp
Waki-Amprolium is used for the treatment and prevention of Coccidiosis out
breaks in chickens and turkeys.
Dosage & administrations:
0.5 gm / liter of drinking water.
Withdrawal time:
meat : 7 days.
•No side effect in the recommended dose.
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceeding 30°C.
Each 1 Kg Contains:
Amprolium HCL ..............… 234 gm
(Eq. to 200 gm Amprolium Base).
Contra - indications:
•Withdrawal time in chicken (meat & eggs) 24 hrs.
•For use in drinking water only
•Should be kept dry and stored in cool & dry condition.
•Not to be given with thiamin,
•Not to be given with feed.
•May produce thiamine defiencysymptoms in high doses for prolonged time.
•Store in cool place away from sunlight.
It is used for treatment of diarrhea caused by susceptible organisms such as Salmonellosis caused
by Salmonella spp. and Colibacillosis caused by E – coli.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: Orally via drinking water.1 g of the product / 10 kg b. wt. every 12 hours for 3 – 2
days in drinking water.
Warnings & precautions:
• The medicated water should be prepared fresh every 12 hours.
Contra - indications:
• Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to ampicillin or coli
• Not to be used in rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.
• Not to be used in animal with renal failure.
No side effects in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
meat: 15 day.
Stored in dry place at temperature not exceed 30 ºC to be
used immediately after opening & reconstitution.
Each 1 g contains :
Ampicillin trihydrate ……. 230.96 mg
(Eq. to ampicillin base 200 mg)
Colistin sulphate ………...…. 42.70 mg
(Eq. to colistin base 1.025.000 IU = 34.16 mg)
Ampicillisn a broad spectrum bactericidal
antibiotic belonging to betalactam
group. It produces it’s antimicrobial
action by prevents cell wall synthesis by
inhibiting bacterial transpeptidase &
carboxypeptidase enzymes, causing an
osmotic imbalance which destroys the
bacteria in it’s growth phase.
Target species :
It is used for treatment of :
Broiler chickens : Airsacculitis caused by Mycoplas
ma gallisepticum & E- coli complicated with
chronic respiratory diseases ( CRD ) in growing chickens .
Swine : Swine dysentery ( bloody scour ) caused by serpulina hyodysenteriae.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: I/M or slow I/V0.5 ml /10kg b. Wt. By I/M or slow I/V
, twice daily up to 5-3 days.
Warnings & precautions:
Should not be used in birds producing eggs for human consumption..
Contra - indications:
-Not to be used in animals with known hypersensitivity to lincomycin or spectinomycin.
-Not to be used in rabbits, hamesters , guinea pigs , horses , dairy cattle or other ruminants access to
feeds and/or medicated drinking water due to ingestion by these species it produces sever gastrointestinal
effects or metabolic disoreder (i.e. Ketosis in dairy cattle).
It may produce some stool softening or mild diarrhea within 36 - 18 hours and signs of mild irritation
& swelling of anus and/or vulva may associated with the stool changes. these side effects are self
correction by the 5th - 7th day of the treatment.
Stored in dry place at temperature not exceed 30º C to be used immediately after opening.
Each 150 gm contain:
Lincomycin hydrochloride .......................... 37.81g.
(Eq. to lincomycin base 33.3g )
Spectinomycin hydrochloride ..................... 99.26 g.
( Eq. to spectinomycin base 66.6 g )
Lincotinamycin is a Synergistic combination of lincomycin and spectinomycin.
Lincotinamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic. It acts by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit ofsusceptible bacteria
there by intibiting peptide and for mothion and protein
synthesis . it is active against gram + bacteria including
Mycoplasma spp. including Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
Spectinomycin is an aminocyclitol antibiotic. It acts by
binding to 30S subunit of bacterial ribosome and inhibiting protein synthesis. It is active against gram negative
bacteria including E- coli as well as Mycoplasma spp.
including Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
Target species :
Broiler Chickens , Swine.
Withdrawal time:
Broiler chickens: 3 days.
swine: 5days.
It is used in growing turkey , broiler chicken & replacement chicken for treatment of
necrotic enteritis caused by clostridiumperfringens.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration : orally via drinking waterGrowing turkey:
21 mg / kg b.wt. ( 21g of the product / 100 liter dinking water once daily for 5-3 days )
Broiler chicken :10.5-21 mg/kg b.wt. ( 10.5-21 g of the product / 100 liter
dinking water once daily for 5-3 days ).
Warnings & precautions:
The medicated solution should be prepared fresh daily .
Operators should wear suitable protective clothing ..
Contra - indications:
Not to be used in chickens producing eggs for human consumption .
Not to be used with penicillins aminoglycosides & polymyxines due to its toxic effects.
Non in the recommended dose.
Stored in dry place at temperature not execeed 30° c . to be used immediately after opening .
Keep out of reach of children .
Each 1G contains:
Bacitracin methylene disalicylate ........ 703.4 mg
(eq. to bactracin base 500mg )
Bacitracin is a bactericidal antibiotic belongs to polypeptide group . It produces
its antimicrobial effect by inhibition theformation of cell wall peptidoglycan by
complexing directly with pyrophosphate carrier & inhibiting the dephosphorylation
reaction required for regeneration . it has activity against G+ve bacteria including
Clostridium perfringens.
Target species :
Broiler Chicken & Replacement Chicken.Broiler Chicken & Replacement Chicken.
Withdrawal time:
Growing turkey , broiler chicken & replacement
chicken : withdrawal time required : 5 days before slaughter.
For oral treatment of primaryand secondary bacterial infections such as
mycoplasmosis ( CRD), Fowl cholera infections, Corza infections in Chicken,
enteric infections, sinusitis in poultry.
Dosage & administrations:
poultry : 1 - 0.5 gm / liter drinking water for 5-3 days ( 10 mg/kg B. Wt. ).
Calves and Lambs : 5 gm / 50 Kg B. Wt. in drinking water for 5-3 days ( 20- 10 mg
/ kg B. Wt. ).
Withdrawal time:
meat : 7 days..
Not used in chickens producing eggs for human consumption
Divalent or trivalent cations decrease the absorption of chlortetracycline
Not be used with bacteriocidal antibiotics and ca++ prepartions.
No side effects in the recommended dose
but in high dose or chronic administration
may delay bone growth and healing,.
Not to be used as feed additive.
Stored in dry place at temp. not
exceeding 30°C.
* Other strenght: %93
Each 100 g Contains:
Chlortetracycline HCL ..........… 24.6 gm.
Waki-Sulfadimidine is used in chickens,and turkeys for treatment of coccidiosis .
Not used For chicken producing egg for human consumption and in birds suffering
from renal failure . Amprolium likely to combine with sulfadimidine for treating
coccidiosis and vit.B Complex, PABA and related Compounds are antagonists to
Sulfonamides .
Dosage & administrations:
Poultry & Turkeys: 1 gm/ liter of drinking water once daily for 3days .
Rest for 2 days, and then repeat the same dose for 3 days..
Withdrawal time:
Poultry& Turkeys: 14 days.
Store in dry and cool place below 25˚ C and away from direct sun light.
Each 100 gm Contains:
Sulfadimidine Sodium ....… 100 gm
For treatment of infectious coryza, synovitis, Mycoplasmosis, pasteurellosis, Staphylococcal
arthrities and streptococcal infections in poultry.
For treatment of air sacculities, erysipelas, infectious sinusitis, staphylococcal arthrities
and streptococcal infections in turkey.
Dosage & administrations:
1 - 0.5 gm / liter drinking water for 5-3 days.
Withdrawal time:
7 days.
Contra - indications:
Not used in chickens producing eggs for humanconsumption
Should not be used in birds hypersensitive to it.
Contrain to be used with chloramphenicol & pencillins or other macrolides.
No adverse effect within the theerapeutic
doses as well as during the course of treatment
,GIT disturbance as diarrhea in prolongedadministration..
Stored below 25°C in dry and cool
place away from childern.
Each 100 g Contains:
Erthromycin thiocyanate .… 22.4 gm
( eq. to Erthromycin base 20 gm)
K-Vitone is characterized by haemostaticor coagulative effect. So it is used in all
haemolytic cases, such as vitamin k3deficiency, coccidiosis and after treatment
with sulphonamides.
Dosage & administrations:
1 - 0.50gm / liter of drinking water.
store below 30° C away from direct Sunlight
Each 1ml contains:
Vit. K3 (Menadione sodium bisulfite).... 200gm
Carrier ................................................. up to kg
In Poultry:
-During heat-stress period to reduce mortality rate.
-To improve egg production, egg-shell
quality, fertillity and to increse resistance to diseases.
In other animals:
-After stresses, hot weather and to increase resistance to diseases.
Dosage & administrations:
0.50 gm / liter of drinking water.
store below 30° C away from direct Sunlight.
Each 1ml contains:
Vit. C 1 (Ascorbic acid) ........................... 200gm
Carrier .......................................................... up to 1 kg
In case of vitamin B- complex and / or vitaminK3 deficinecy.
- Used during and after stresses.
- To provide the necessary vitamins for satisfactory health condition .
- After medication with antibiotics or sulphonamides and after vaccination .
Dosage & administrations:
1 gm maximum / Liter of drinking water.
Store below 30ºC away from direct Sunlight .
Each 100 ml contains:
Gentamycin sulfate .................. 12.6 gm
(Eq. to gentamycin base 12.6 gm)
Each 1 kg Contains:
Vit. B2000 …................…… 1 mg
Vit. B3000 …................…… 2 mg
Vit. B2500 …................…… 6 mg
Vit. B5 ….…...…………… 12 mg
Vit. K3000 .............………… 3mg
Niacin …….............…… 1000 mg
Pantothonic acid ……… 5000 mg
Folic acid …….............… 150 mg
Choline bitartarite ……… 12.32 mg
Carrier ………...………up to 1 Kg
It is used for the treatment of gastrointestinal
tract infection caused by Escherichia and
salmonella spp. susceptible to streptomycin.
Dosage & administrations:
-Route of administration : orally via drinking water.
- Pre-ruminating calves:27.5 - 41.3 mg of the product /Kg b.wt. for 3-5 days (i.e. 275-413
of the product/liter drinking water).
Warnings & precautions:
- Not to be administer more than 5 days.
- Animals to be treated must actually be
drinking enough water of provide the
recommended lever streptomycin
Contra - indications:
- Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to
- Not to be used in animal with renal failure.
- Not to be administer with bacteriostatice
antibiotic, muscle relaxant, diuretics & other
compound such as calcium gluconate and
Allergic reactions such as rash, eosinophilia,
fever, dermatitis, stomatitis, & even anaphylactic
shock. In infants, there may be malabsorption.
Stored in dry place at temp. not exceeding
30º C to be used immediately after opening &
Each 1g contains: Streptomycin sulphate 1000mg.
(eq. to streptomycin base 798.2mg)
- streptomycin is a bactericidal antibiotic belongs to
aminoglycocide group.
it produces its antimicrobial activity by binding to 30S
ribosomal subunit of the organism resulting in
inhibition of microbial protein synthesis.
- streptomycin has activity against Gram + ve bacteria
such as Actinomyces bovis and G -ve bacteria such as
E- coli, Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp., Proteuss spp.,
yersinia spp., Campylobacter spp., Pastuerella spp. &
Haemophilus spp. and Mycobactirium spp
Withdrawal time:
Pre - ruminating calves meat: 2 days
Broiler chicken : 4 days
For Broiler chicken & turkey:
It is used for prevention of coccidosis in broiler
chicken caused by E.tenella,E.acervulina,E.maxima,
E.brunetti,E.necratrix & E.mivatis.
Dosage & administrations:
500g of Waki-Clopidol25% / ton feed
with drawal time:
Broiler meat 5 days
Contra - indications:
-Not to be used in animals with known hypersensitivity to lincomycin or spectinomycin.
-Not to be used in rabbits, hamesters , guinea pigs , horses , dairy cattle or other ruminants access to
feeds and/or medicated drinking water due to ingestion by these species it produces sever gastrointestinal
effects or metabolic disoreder (i.e. Ketosis in dairy cattle).
- Storage temperature between 25-5˚C
- Should be stored in well closed containers
at room temperature
Each 100gm contains:
25 gm of Clopidol..
- Should not be mixed with other anticoccidials.
- Not be used in chicken producing egg for human
- Not be used in replacement layer more than 16
weeks of age & trukeys more than 12 weeks of age.
- No side effects in recommended dose.
- Over dose may cause inappetance.
Lambs: for the treatment of coccidosis in lambs in farms with confirmed history
of coccidosis caused by E. crandallis and E. ovinoidalis.
- Broiler chickens: for the treatment of coccidosis in broiler chickens caused by
E. acervulina,E. brunette,E. maxima, E. necatrix,E. tenella & E.mitis.
- Calves: for the treatment of coccidosis in calves from cows producing milk for
human consumption (dairy cows) in farms with a confirmed history of bovis
caused by E.zuernii.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration : orally
Calves: 3ml of the product/10kg b.wt. Broiler chickens .Single oral dose.
Lambs:0.4ml of the product/kg b.wt .Single oral dose.
Broiler chickens: 0.14 ml of the product/kg b.wt.
- (i.e. 1.4 ml /litre drinking water of two cosecutive days)
Warnings & precautions:
Donot use the same antiprotozoal from the same class
to avoid resistance development.
Contra - indications:
- Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to
- not be used in checkens producing eggs for
human consunption.
- Not to be used in birds producing eggs for
human consunption.
- Not to be use in calves weighing more than 80 kg
body weigh
- Not to be use in fattening units such as veal or beef
Withdrawal time:
Calves: 63 days.
lambs meat : 42 days.
broiler chicken meat: 18 days.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Stored at temp. not ecxeeding 30C.
Each 1ml contains:
Toltrazuril 50mg.
Toltrazuril is a triazone compound which active against all intracellular
stages of coccidian (sexual & asexual). It produces its anticoccidial
effect by inhibiting nuclear division of schizont and microgamons and the
wall forming bodies of macrogamons.
Toltrazuril acts against coccidia of the genus lsospora and Eimeria spp,
such as W.bovis, E.zuernii, E.crandallis, E.ovinoidalis, E.acervulina,
E.brunette, E.maxima, E.necatrix, E.tenella & E.mitis.
Target species :
Calves, Lambs & broiler Chicken
It is used for treatment of coccidiosis in broiler
Chickens caused by Eimeria spp. Such as E.
tenella , E. acervulina , E. maxima , E. brunette , E.necatrix.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration : orally via drinking Water.
1- For treatment of outbreak:
1 ml of the product / litre drinking water (1:900 Dilution) for 7 - 5 days.
2- For mild outbreak:0.5 ml of the product / litre drinking water
(1:1800 dilution) for 7 - 5 days.
3- For follow up the treatment:
0.25 ml of the product / litre drinking water
(1:3600 dilution) for 7 - 5 days.
Warnings & precautions:
• Birds to be treated must actually drink the
• Medicated water only (don’t have access to unmediated water).
Contra - indications:
•Not to be used in birds producing eggs for Human consumption.
•Not to be given with thiamine as it reduces the effect of amprolium.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C.
Each 1 ml contains :
Amprolium HCL ................... 244.2 mg
(Eq. to amprolium base 216 mg)
Ethopabate .................................. 14 mg
Amprolium and ethopabate are anticoccidial combination which achieve
a broader spectrum and good activity
against Eimeria spp. Both drugs produces
its anticoccidial effect by acting on the
early first generation of merozoites and
schizonts (Asexual stage).They are preventing the uptake of thiamin (vit.B1) by
the coccidial cell.
Target species :
Broiler chickens.
It is used for the treatment of colibacillosis
(bacterial enteritis) caused by E - coli susceptible
to florfenicol.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration : orally in drinking water.
0.2 ml of the product / kg b. wt. per day for 5 days.
(eq. to 2 ml of the product / litre drinking water).
Warnings & precautions:
Not to be used with other antibiotics bind with 50S
ribosomal subunit. e.g. lincomycin, erythromycin,
clindamycin, tylosin, etc.
Contra - indications:
•Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to florfenicol
•Not to be used with chickens produce eggs for human consumption.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Broiler chickens: 7 days .
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C.
Each 1 ml contains :
Florfenicol …….....…...…... 100 mg.
Florfenicol is a bacteriostatic synthetic
broad spectrum antibiotic belongs
to Chloramphenicols It produces it’s
antimicrobial activity by binding to
50S ribosomal subunit of the organism
resulting in inhibition of microbial protein
synthesis.it is effective against most G -ve bacteria including E. coli and G +ve .
Target species :
Broiler chickens.
Each one liter Contains:
Inclusion Rate:
Poultry: 1 - 0.5 ml / 10 liters of drinking water.
Vitamin D3 deficiency.
Store in a cool dry place.
It is used for the treatment of intestinal tract
infections caused by G - ve Colistin sensitive bacteria.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration:
Cattle & Chickens : orally via drinking water.
Calves: orally via milk or milk replacer.
Cattle: 3.75 ml of colitrix / 450 kg b. Wt. every 12 hours for 7 - 5 days.
Calves: 0.5 ml of colitrix / 50 kg b. Wt. every 12 hours for 7 - 5 days.
Chickens: 0.0125 ml of colitrix / kg b. Wt. every 12 hours (eq. to 0.125 ml
of the product / liter drinking water) for 7 - 5 days.
Warnings & precautions:
• The medicated milk or milk replacer should be prepared immediately before use.
Contra - indications:
• Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to colistin.
•Not to be used in animals with renal failure.
•Not to be used with anesthesia , muscle relaxant.
•Not to be used with aminoglycosides or levamisole.
•Not to be used with cations (calcium, magnesium & ron) and unsaturated fatty acids as colistin antagonized with them.
•No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle & calves’ meat: 2 days. Cattle milk: 0 days.
Chickens meat: 2 days. eggs: 0 days.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C
Each 1ml contains:
Colistin sulphate.........……… 240 mg
(Eq. to colistin base 192 mg = 5760000 IU).
Colistin is a polymyxin E bactericidal
polypeptide antibiotic. It produces
its antibacterial effect by interacting
strongly with phospholipids in bacterial
cell membrane & radically disturbed their
permeability & function. Colistin is active
against G -ve bacteria such as Pseudomonas
, E. coli ,Klebsiella , Aerobacter , Enterobacter ,
Salmonella , Shigella & Haemophilus.
Target species :
Cattle, Calves & Chickens..
It is used for treatment of: Chronic
Respiratory Disease ( CRD ) caused by
Mycoplasma gallisepticum & M. synovi..
Dosage & administrations:
Route: orally via drinking water for whole product 1 - 0.4 ml of the product / 1 liter of
drinking water for 5 - 3 days
Warnings & precautions:
• Operators should wear suitable protective clothing avoid contact with eyes.
• The medication should be prepared fresh daily.
Contra - indications:
•Not used in chickens producing eggs for human consumption.
•Non in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Chickerns slaughter 12 days.
Stored in dry place at temperature not exceed 30C.
Keep out of reach childern.
Each 1 ml Contains:
Tilmicosin Phosphate .............................. 278 mg
(Eq. to tilmicosin base 250 mg)
TILMICOSIN is a semi synthetic macrolide
antibiotic which produces its antimicrobal
and antimycoplasmal effect by binding
reversibly to the 50S ribosome subunit of the
organism resulting in inhibition of microbial
protein synthesais.
It has activity against G +ve bacteria & G -ve
Bactria as well as Mycoplasma spp. Including
M. gallisepticum & M. synovi.
Target species :
Albenol 2.5% used in cattle & sheep for treatment of parasite infestation:
*Gastrointestinal round worms: Bunostomum phlebotomum , Chabertia spp., Cooperia spp.,
Haemonchus spp., Nematodirus spp., Oesaphagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Trichostrongylus spp.,
Ostertagia spp. ( Cattle: Ostertagia)(Sheep: Ostertagia circumcincta)
*Lung-worms: Dictyocaulus spp. ( Cattle: Dictyocaulus Viviparus)(Sheep: Dictyocaulus filaria)
*Tapeworms: Moniezia spp. ( Cattle& Sheep).
*Liver flukes: F.hepatica (Adult stages) (Cattle & Sheep).
Warnings & precautions:
•Care not to exceed the recommended dose in cows during 1st month of pregnancy.
•Coughing for some weeks after treatment in cattle.
•Operators should wear suitable protective clothing.
Contra - indications:
•It’s not approved to use this drug for lactating
dairy cattle & female cattle during the 1st 45 days .
of pregnancy or for 45 days after removal of
bulls due to its teratogenic & Embryotic effect
•It’s not approved to use this drug for ewes during
the 1st 30 days of pregnancy or for 30 days
after removal of rams due to its teratogenic &
emberyotoxic effect.
•Don’t use with dexamethasone due to increase
albendazole serum levels.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Cattle: meat 14 days.
Sheep: Meat 4 days & should not be used sheep
producing milk for human consumption.
Other Strength: 11.25%
Each 100 ml contains:
Albendazole ................................................ 2.5 gm
Albendazole is Benzimidazole antiparasitic agent, have
aboard spectrum activity against Nematodes & Cestodes.
It acts by interruption of parasite energy metablism by
binding to tubulin, there by disrupting microtubular cell
structure & preventing nutrient uptake & other functions
which leads to parasites death. It is used for treatment of
parasite infestation caused by:
Gastro-intestinal roundworms, Lungwerms, Tapewerms,
Liver flukes.
Dosage & administrations:
-Cattle: Roundworms & Tapeworms: 15 ml/ 50 kg b. wt.
-Adult flukes, Roundworms & Taprworms: 20 ml/50 Kg b.wt.
-Sheep: Roundworms & Tapeworms: 2 ml/ 10 kg b. wt.
-Adult flukes, Roundworms & Taprworms: 3 ml/10 Kg b.wt.
Target species :
Cattle & Sheep.
It is used for treatment of :
Broiler chickens: treatment of non-specific infec-tious enteritis caused by organisms
susceptible to streptomycin .
Swine and Calves : treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by Escherichia coli
and Salmonella spp susceptible to streptomycin .
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: orally via drinking water for 5 days .
Broiler chickens : 0.1-0.09 ml of the product / Kg b .wt.(eq.to1 ml / litre drinking water ).
Swine and calves : 0.1-0.09 ml of the product / Kg b .wt.
Warnings & precautions:
•Animal to be treated must actually be drinking enough water to providethe recommended level of streptomycin .
Contra - indications:
• Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to strep-tomycin .
• Do not administer to chicken producing eggs for human consumption .
• Medicated water must be used within 24 hours.
No side effect in the recommended dose.
Withdrawal time:
Brolier chicken meat : 4 days before slaughter
Swine and Calves : 2 days before slaughter.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C.
Other strengh %50
Each 1 ml contains :
Streptomycin Sulfate…. 313.19 mg
(Eq. to Streptomycin base 250 mg ).
Streptomycin is bactericidal belongs to
aminoglycocide group . it produces it’s
antimicrobial activity by
binding to 30s ribosomal subunit of the
organism resulting in inhibition of micro
bial protein synthesis .
Streptomycin has activity against G
+ve bacteria & G -ve bacteria including
E-Coli & Salmonella spp.
Target species :
Broiler Chickens , Swine and Calves.
Poultry (chicken and turkey):Treatment and prevention of
coccidiosis caused by all eimeria species.
Not used for chickens producing eggs
for human Consumption for pullets
Older than 16 weeks.
Dosage & administrations:
For all poultry:
- Administer orally at a dosage 1 ml
Toltacoccin per liter drinking water for a period of 2 days.
- In case of sever outbreak treatment may be repeated after 5 days.
Contra - indications:
Not used in chickens producing eggs for human consumption.
Withdrawal time:
21 days from end of treatment.
per 100 ml:
toltrazuril ................................................ 2.5 gm
Stored in dry & cool place below 30C
away from direct Sunlight.
Target species :
It is used for the treatment of respiratory
and intestinal infections caused by organism
sensitive to thiamfenicol as:
-Pasteurellosis caused by Pasteurella multocida.
Bacterial enteritis caused by
E .coli & Salmonella.
-Treatment of secondary bacterial invadors
associated with chronic respiratory disease(CRD)
ections with E. adenoids & E. meleagrimidis.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: orally in drinking water
or liquid food.
Dairy cattle:
0.25 – 0.2 ml of the product / kg b. wt. per day
for 5 – 3 days.
Broiler chicken:
0.335 – 0.285 ml of the product / kg b. wt. per
day for 5 – 3 days.
Contra - indications:
- Not to be used inanimal hypersensitive to
- Not to be used with chickens produce eggs for
human comsumption.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C.
Each 1 ml contains :
Thiamfenicol 200 mg.
Target species :
Dairy cattle & broiler chicken
Prevention and treatment of Hypovitaminosis caused by rearing
diseases, growth disturbances, osteoporosis, worm infections, bad
conditions, stesses and many other indications. After therapeutic treatment,
production decrease and Enhancement of the immunity system.
Dosage & administrations:
0.50 ml / 1 liter of drinking water.
Store below 30 30°C away from direct sunlight.
Each one liter contains:
Vit. A ..................................... 15.000.000 I.U
Vit. D1.500.000....................................... 3. I.U
Vit. E ..................................................... 2 gm
Vit. B2 ................................................... 1 gm
Vit. B3 ................................................... 6 gm
Vit. C .................................................... 3 gm
Vit. K2 .................................................. 3 gm
Lysine ................................................. 4 gm
DL Methionine .................................. 4 gm
Biotin ................................................. 10gm
Niacin .................................................. 6 gm
Pantothenic acid ........................ 5.5 gm
Carrier ..................................... up to 1 liter
Selenovit is recommeneded in case of:
- White muscle disease (muscular dystrophy).
- Chickens encephalomalacia (crazy chickens disease).
- Exudative diathesis (green legs).
-To simulate the immune system and immune response following vaccinations.
-To increase egg production and hatchability.
-To increase weight gain and improve meat quality.
-To increase fertility.
Dosage & administrations:
0.50 - 0.25 ml of the product / 1 liter of drinking water.
Stored below 30°Caway from direct sunlight.
Each one liter contains:
Vit. E (acetate) .................................. 250 mg
Selenium (sod. selenite) .............. 800 mg
BHT ....................................................... 500 mg
Carrier .........................................up to 1 liter
•In case of vitamin A, D3 and E deficiency.
•Before and after vaccination.
•Different cases of stresses e.g.
diseases, bad environment, bad
housing, irrational feeding, long-lasting
transport, cold overheating.
•As a supportive therapy after
treatment with long courses of antibiotics
•In cases of growth retardation and for
the induction of metabolism.
•During pregnancy and around the
point of calving to prevent retaintion
Dosage & administrations:
1 ml / 10 liter of drinking water.
Store below 30°C C away from direct sunlight.
* Other strengh 20/20/100 & 40/10/100
Each 1 Liter contains:
Vit. A (palmitate) ........... 100.000.000 I.U
Vit. D3 ........................................ 40.000.000 I.U
Vit. E (acetate) ............................... 40.000gm
B.H.T .................................................. 500 gm
Carrier ....................................... up to 1 liter
It is used for the treatment of colibacillosis ( bacterial enteritis) caused by E-coli susceptible to
neomycin sulfate in cattle ( excluding veal calves), swine, sheep and goat.
Dosage & administrations:
Route of administration: orally undiluted in drinking water or milk.
5 ml of the product /100 pound b. Wt. ( eq. to 101 ml / 10 kg b. wt. )
of 14 days ( either as a drench in divided dosage or in per day in divided
doses for a maximum the drinking water to be consumed in 24-12 hours).
Warnings & precautions:
• Treatment should continue 48-24 beyond remis sion of disease symptoms,
but not exceed a total of 14 consecutive days.
• Neolon may be given undiluted or diluted with water.
Contra - indications:
•Not to be used in animal hypersensitive to neomycin.
•Not to be used in calves to be processed to veal.
•Not to be used in female daity cattle 20 months of age.
•No side effect in the recommended dose..
Withdrawal time:
Cattle ( excluding veal calves) & goat: 30 days
Sheep: 20 days
Swine: 20 days
A withdrawal time has not been established in
pre-ruminating calves.
Stored at temp. Not exceed 30°C
Each 1 ml contains :
Neomycin sulphate ............... 200 mg
(Eq. to neomycin base 140 mg).
NEOMYCIN is a bactericidal antibiotic
belongs to aminoglycoside group.It
produces it’s antimicrobial activity by
binding to 30S risbosomal subunit of the
organism resulting in inhibition of micro
bial protein synthesis.
NEOMYCIN has activity againts Staph.
bacteria & G- ve bacteria including
E- coli.
Target species :
Cattle (excluding veal calves), Swine, Sheep and Goat.